donderdag 21 maart 2013

Sew, sew, sew!

Hello darlings,

I can finally relax after some busy months and can finally concentrate on my sewing projects. I'm in the middle of one right now, but it isn't really big. It'll be a celtic warrior, and it is nearly finished. I'm actually pleased to announce that I'll start with another project within a week; a proper Steampunk Lady. And when I say lady, I mean LADY

Classy, flowy edwardian clothing, a big hat and of course the neccesairy steampunk-elements. I can't wait to start, because it will also be the first time I'll be making a corset! A corset for underneath the clothes, what it was meant for. I'm not going to use a edwardian period pattern, that is WAY too difficult, it is really weird, and when you have never made a corset... Well, you're going to have a bad time. So, I'll take it easy and use an aprox. 1880 pattern, it is a easy, clear, and comfortable corset, quite much the ideal one for my body-type.

Also, I'm thinking about starting a small buisiness in handmade goth-clothing, payable goth-clothing. Because the normal cheap goth-clothing is just plain ugly, with ugly fabrics and ugly designs, I know that there are quite a lot of people out there who are waiting for something like this... Or at least, that is what I hope.

With love,
Chaotic Witch

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