zaterdag 25 mei 2013

Welcome to my life

Hello dears,

Welcome to my life, where the finals are over and I pray that I'll get the positive message I don't have to come back to high school. Which I'll hopefully receive in about three weeks.

Meanwhile, I just returned from a fashion show, but it was nothing special, just some goodwill for my school, that's all really. It wasn't even busy. I had a good laugh with my Rainbowbro, so it wasn't that dull, but still kind of pissed because it is a lot of work to get my stuff up there, and when you step on the stage (not even catwalk) you see a half-empty hall. Not the scenario I wanted it to be. Anyhow, I'll be presenting my collection the 2nd of June again at a much bigger event, so let's pray for more people.

Oh! The 9th of June, I have a lolita teaparty, with the theme "Victorian Romance" I'm going to make a straw bonnet and a bustle for underneath my blue floral dress so it has more of an 1880's silhouette. I'm also going to buy fabrics for my male design for my collection and for my costume for Castlefest! I finally have time on my hands so I can finally get busy!

With love,

Chaotic Witch

vrijdag 17 mei 2013


Wow, Chaotic Witch, what's with you updating so irregular?!

Well, my dears, this old hag is really busy passing her exams, if she doesn't pass, she won't be able to go to the Art Academy. Her life is at stake here.

Not only that, but meanwhile, she has been really busy with... Well, Witchcraft. And I'm not going to tell all about it yet, but I'm sure the goth-readers will like it a lot...

That's the wee update for now, back to my spell books and wiccan prayers to see if I can graduate!

With love,

Chaotic Witch

donderdag 9 mei 2013

It's always Adventure Time!

Hello lovelies,

I am só sorry I haven't updated in like, two weeks? I went on an unexpected journey (read; vacation) and no internet there.... I'm glad I was able to relax though before my Finals (which I am horribily going to screw up).

So, it's Adventure Time, I've finally started drawing out my patterns for the corset, and in a not-too-distant-future I'll will buy my fabrics.

.... So, Chaotic Witch, what are you going to make? Well, I am going to make something what you can call "Pastel Goth". I know, I know, you'll probably think like; "Oh god, not another so-called "Soft-grunge" girl" Don't worry, It'll be Pastel Goth. I like challenges, and I think this certaintly will be one. Have faith!

My friends are all really curious, and so am I. Well, I have to hold my reputation high, can't screw up on this one... Can't wait to start though!

With love,

Chaotic Witch