zaterdag 27 april 2013

Like a boss!

Hello dears,

First of all, sorry for the late update, thursday I worked and yesterday I had LSD; Last Day of School (in dutch it would be Last School Day, of Laatste School Dag). It was just really, really, really awesome, and I had a great time at secondary school. Right now I've got a two-week holiday and after that I got finals, then I finally get to say goodbye to secondary school and hello Art Academy!

Of course, you want to know what the EFF was like... Well, it was even better than LSD, of course. I had a great time seeing some distant friends and of course I went with my best friend and her boyfriend. Although I had never expected it, since it was not really a costume, there have been taken a lot of pictures, which I am waiting for, but I got a few from my friend. I guess the colours you see are fun to photograph ^.^

I think the make-up should definitely be improved, but my bed wouldn't let me go and so I hadn't much time left... After all, I actually did because Michelle & boyfriend were LATE. So there I was, totally ready, under the impression they could be here any moment... They actually came half an hour too late. I can't say I did not expect that, because I did expect it... But if I had known they would be thát late, I would've done better make-up.

Anyway, look forward to some creativity the upcoming days, I got big plans for the holiday!

With love,

Chaotic Witch

woensdag 17 april 2013

In a not too distant cyberspace...

Hello dears,

Yes! I finally know what I am going to wear to the Elf Fantasy Fair this year! I'm not going to post pictures, but I'll tell you my idea; Cyber-doll... Enough said ;-) Wait for the pictures! It's going to be a cyber-lolita coord... But a bit more costume-ish

All I need to do now is get some inspiring ideas for my make-up'd eye (only one...) and I'm done. Oh... I do hope my Rainbow Bro (my kind of BFF) does not forget to bring the skirt with her... I'm so excited, only two days left!

Also, I was bored, so I made myself a floral headdress... Not sure when I'm going to wear it though, hahaha.

With love,

Chaotic Witch

donderdag 11 april 2013

The awkward moment when...

Hello dears,

That awkward moment when you haven't really got something to blog about. Yeah, my life isn't interesting at all at the moment. So uhm, I promise you it'll change, next week I'll upload a photograph of my EFF-outfit.
Here's some work in progress to fill the gap;

She needs a skin-tone, but I don't have the right colour of aquarel right now.... Shame, but I'm on it.

With love,

Chaotic Witch

donderdag 4 april 2013

My life at the moment...

Hello dears,

At the moment, my life isn't really interesting.

-Still haven't bought my fabrics, although I have been sketching and designing a lot, so in some way I have made progress.

-School is boring as well

- I work a lot.

And so on. The 20th of April is one very important date though, because I'll be heading towards the Elf Fantasy Fair, and my cybergoth outfit will be worn for the first time! I have to make some props (oh god, so many plans) but it'll be fine, I think I am going to start after dinner, it shouldn't be too much work. All I need to make are horns and ears... That's about it. Or well, if I can find the right color of fleece there is a possibility I get a tail... Hehehe. And a backpack to match...

On the other hand, I have been drawing quite a bit, and this is the sketch for my current project;

I know, the hand is awful, and I already ereased it. I'm not sure what to do with it yet. I also need to do some research on frogs.

With love,

Chaotic Witch